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Sunday, 12 May 2024

Military Marketing: Capture the Milennial Audience

Today millennials are highly sought after by advertisers looking to reach the socially driven demographic that utilize mobile devices and seek out discounts and savings more than ever.  Millennials make up a large portion of the active duty and military spouse community ranging from 19-35 years of age. Military Millennials are more cost conscious than Gen X'ers and more digitally fluent than Baby Boomers, so they are often search for and remain devoted to brands that honor military personnel with special offers and military savings.


Military marketing enables advertisers to target the milennial audience via social media, blogs, websites, email broadcasts and mobile apps. With the mobile device now existing as an extension of their being, military millennials are utilizing their mobile devices specifically to search for sales and special offers for military personnel via military marketing campaigns. Millennials will take the time to search Facebook, Instagram, their e-mail accounts and various websites to retrieve military coupon codes and price check before committing to a certain brand or product.  They also are more likely to sign up to receive military offers via military marketing programs to ensure that special military offers and military discounts are delivered directly to their e-mail inbox. Once military millennials commit to a certain brand or product, it is likely that they will remain a loyal military customer and promote the brand or product within their military social circle. Military millennials appreciate and praise brands and products that honor military service via military marketing with a military discount or special offer.


For more information on military marketing, millennials and the military or any of our other military marketing platforms, contact us today at or call 845-454-7900.