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Monday, 13 May 2024

Military Millennial Marketing

Reach military millennials directly with military base newspaper advertising, military digital advertising, military print advertising, military social media advertising, military mobile app advertising and military direct mail.  Marketing to military millennials is limitless with the various mediums accessible through Military Media Inc. 

Nearly 40 percent of the total military force consists is 25 years of age or younger, while approximately 21 percent of the total military force is made up of 26-30 year olds and 14.2 percent accounts for 31-35 year olds.  Military millennials make up nearly 75% of the total military force including active duty and selected reserve members in the DoD.  Military millennials are a generation that is known for their spending habits and online activity.  Don’t underestimate the power of marketing to military millennials.  Military millennials are well educated, highly diverse and house the most populous age, 23 year olds.  This is also the age that falls into the highest percentage of the military make up. 

Military millennials have joined the military for the obvious reason: to serve and protect, but also are fully aware of the countless advantages in terms of higher education, personal growth and experience, travel opportunities and resume development.   DOD census data shows that the majority of the total military population consists of military millennials.  Marketing to military millennials benefits the advertiser because of their buying characteristics, likelihood to obtain a degree from an institution of higher education and recruitment opportunities.  Military millennials are also characterized by their likelihood to give to a charity and volunteer for a cause.  Maximize your reach and let Military Media Inc. get your brand or message to the most sought after generation today, millennials. 

To reach the military millennials, contact us today or call 845-454-7900.